About American Ski Jumping HOF & Museum
Mission Statement
This website is devoted to the rich heritage of the sport of ski jumping in the USA, beginning
with the first recorded tournament in 1887 at Red Wing MN and continuing through the present
and into the future. It incorporates the online American Ski Jumping Hall of Fame. Scroll
down the page a bit for background on this organization and website.
Contact Us
Board of Directors & Executive Committee
For information about this organization
Scott Smith, President, Acting Treasurer
or website, please contact:
Jim Grahek
Scott McGuire
Scott Smith, President
Greg Windsperger
About Our Location: Red Wing MN and the St James Hotel
The American Ski Jumping museum is located on the mezzanine level of the St James Hotel.
Red Wing is a beautiful town any time of year, nestled below a huge bluff on the Mississippi
River. If you can make it for the induction ceremony, or at any other time, please visit the
museum in the hotel, and take some time to explore this beautiful city. The St James is at 406
Main St; if museum’s locked, ask for key at front desk.
In the year 1887, the sport of ski jumping was in its infancy in the USA. Norwegian immigrants
had brought this sport with them to America, and it caught on in a number of communities with
significant Scandinavian populations, and with hills conducive to this exciting sport. While
there’s some disagreement as to where the first actual competition was held, Red Wing was
the scene of a tournament won by Mikkel Hemmestvedt, who flew the great distance of ... 37
The sport thrived in communities large and small, but the number of jumpers dwindled when
recreational skiing became popular in the 1950s, and other winter sports also gained in
numbers of participants. Still, ski jumping has continued to thrive in a number communities
scattered throughout “snow country” in America.
How Does This Differ From the National Ski Hall of Fame in Ishpeming MI?
While a number of jumpers from the first half of the 20th century are enshrined at the National
Ski Hall of Fame in Ishpeming MI, a number of older folks with significant background in the
sport of ski jumping realized that it was time to establish a way to keep names and memories
alive, covering the specific history of ski jumping and Nordic Combined in the USA. The
decision was made early on to automatically induct Olympians and National Champions, so
the HOF would be relevant to those who know current and recent athletes, but who wouldn’t
know older names and faces. The nomination process provides for other names
to be submitted.
We hope you’ll explore our website, and consider membership! It’s inexpensive, and important
not only to help the organization raise funds, but to give people a sense of ownership and
affiliation with this wonderful sport! See our Membership page …
Background ... How We Came To Be
In late 2005, informal discussions began among a number of former ski jumpers in Minnesota.
The impetus came from a desire on the part of several remaining members of the Aurora Ski
Club of Red Wing, which disbanded in the 1950s, but which was one of the most important of
the early clubs. There was a desire on their part to have some sort of recognition of their city
as the birthplace of American ski jumping. One of the key members of this founding group was
Jerry Borgen, who had been the last active jumper in the Aurora Ski Club.
Members of the St Paul Ski Club, which was founded in 1885 and is still operating, concurred
with this designation, although in fact, records show that St Paul had held a tournament two
weeks earlier. For many years, the 37 foot flight of Norwegian immigrant Mikkel Hemmestvedt
in Red Wing has been published as the first American distance record. As a result of the
deliberations of this group, The City of Red Wing was authorized to issue a proclamation in
May 2006, recognizing their community as the "birthplace of American ski jumping."
Inevitably, discussion of lasting recognition for ski jumpers crept into our conversations. While
a number of jumpers have been enshrined in the National Ski Hall of Fame, the decline of
numbers of US jumpers over the past fifty years, along with the growth of recreational skiing
and snowboarding, makes the future recognition of jumpers by NSHF seem less likely. There
have been some outstanding jumpers in the recent past, as well as the present. This includes
both male and female athletes. These accomplished athletes, and those in future years, should
know that their achievements will be recognized and remembered in a Hall of Fame dedicated
to the discipline of ski jumping.
The general consensus among those who had attended meetings, or who have had individual
discussions about the possibility of establishing a HOF for jumpers, led us to explore how this
might be done. While the folks from Red Wing have concentrated on developing a permanent
physical display including hall of fame pictures, biographies, and artifacts, all seemed to agree
that the HOF should be virtual ... i.e. web-based, and not confined to any specific location. A
committee was established to develop guidelines for nomination and selection, and that
committee continues to perform and refine the process.
On Feb 2, 2007, a 24-page insert appeared in the Red Wing Republican-Eagle, containing
historic pictures and articles about ski jumping in Red Wing. We want to recognize Jerry
Borgen and Fred Johnson of Friends of American Ski Jumping, along with Annie Stumpf and
Kayla Staub of the Republican-Eagle for doing a terrific job on this impressive insert! Click
here to view a 2.8MB pdf file showing all 24 pages of the insert.
One of the continuing concerns among those who have been involved in our discussions has
been to identify museums and private collections related to the sport of ski jumping. This would
include such institutions as the National Ski Hall of Fame (Ishpeming MI) and the Engen
Museum (Utah Olympic Park, Park City UT), the clubhouse collections at such places as the
St Paul Ski Club and the Norge Ski Club (Fox River Grove IL), and individual collections and
A list of museums and collections can be found via a tab at the top of the “Other Resources”
page. We have created a submission form for information regarding museums and collections,
but we will NOT publish information about private collections, or contact information about
them, without the express consent of the individual collector. You can find out about these
resources by visiting the "Museums, etc." page via a link at the top of this page.
Please visit this site regularly; it will be our primary means of communicating to people
interested in the sport of ski jumping - past, present, and future - throughout the United States.
We invite you to join us as a member. Click the Membership link in the navigation bar above.
Our immediate goal is to identify and engage as many people as we can who are interested in
the preservation of the history and heritage of ski jumping … so we’re offering
About ASJ Organization