Hall of Fame Nominations Information
If you would like to nominate someone for consideration by the American Ski Jumping Hall of Fame
Selection committee, you can begin by clicking on the Nomination Form link below. We’ll be adding
further instructions for submitting supplemental information to accompany the nomination form.
NOTE about FILLABLE form: The nomination form has fillable fields, but some browsers may not
currently support this feature. There may be a notice at the top of the page stating this; at the RIGHT end
of that line will be an option to open it in a different viewer. There’s a drop list that will allow you to choose
Adobe Reader, and that will open the form with editable (fillable) fields.
This form can also be used to submit bio info for any of the skiers listed in our HOF that don’t have a link to a bio;
this is the case for many who have met automatic induction criteria,i.e. US Olympians or US National Champions
Hall of Fame Nominations Information