Membership Information ... Friends of American Ski Jumping
Copyright 2006 - 2025      Friends of American Ski Jumping      Webmaster: Ken Anderson
Jan 1, 2021 - We continue to refine our membership definition and policies, and to formulate plans for the future. We maintain this website, the American Ski Jumping Hall of Fame, the museum located at the historic St James Hotel in Red Wing MN, and a Facebook page (button at right). Please join us! Membership is FREE. Our goal is to build community of people interested in the history and heritage of the sport, and who want to be part of our parent organization, the Friends of American Ski Jumping. We feel the best way to do this is to NOT use paid membership as a revenue source. Our member registration list will provide a way to communicate with those who have specifically indicated interest in our mission. We require that you send a request per these guidelines: Please e-mail us at THE ADDRESS BELOW, and include: Your full name City & state where you currently reside, address & phone If you’ve been involved with ski jumping, please tell us a bit about it, what years you were engaged with the sport, the name of the club you were affiliated with, if any. If you haven’t been directly involved as a competitor or volunteer, please tell us how you became interested. Copy & paste into address line of new e-mail message Alternatively, to request membership by US mail, contact: KJ Anderson, 531 S 8th St #304, Sheboygan WI 53081 We are currently exploring grants and other funding opportunities, and as we look to the future, we will periodically announce plans as they are developed and implemented. At no time will we require members to make donations to maintain membership in our organization. The fine print: Information you provide to FOASJ is for internal use only. We will NOT sell or transfer your personal information to any third party.
See who’s joined us to preserve the history & heritage of ski jumping in the USA … MEMBERS LIST
Membership Information ... Friends of American Ski Jumping
Membership Information ... Friends of American Ski Jumping
Copyright 2006 - 2025    Webmaster: Ken Anderson
Jan 1, 2021 - We continue to refine our membership definition and policies, and to formulate plans for the future. We maintain this website, the American Ski Jumping Hall of Fame, the museum located at the historic St James Hotel in Red Wing MN, and a Facebook page (button at right). Please join us! Membership is FREE. Our goal is to build community of people interested in the history and heritage of the sport, and who want to be part of our parent organization, the Friends of American Ski Jumping. We feel the best way to do this is to NOT use paid membership as a revenue source. Our member registration list will provide a way to communicate with those who have specifically indicated interest in our mission. We require that you send a request per these guidelines: Please e-mail us at THE ADDRESS BELOW, and include: Your full name City & state where you currently reside, address & phone If you’ve been involved with ski jumping, please tell us a bit about it, what years you were engaged with the sport, the name of the club you were affiliated with, if any. If you haven’t been directly involved as a competitor or volunteer, please tell us how you became interested. Copy & paste into address line of new e-mail message Alternatively, to request membership by US mail, contact: KJ Anderson, 531 S 8th St #304, Sheboygan WI 53081 We are currently exploring grants and other funding opportunities, and as we look to the future, we will periodically announce plans as they are developed and implemented. At no time will we require members to make donations to maintain membership in our organization. The fine print: Information you provide to FOASJ is for internal use only. We will NOT sell or transfer your personal information to any third party.
ASJ Membership
The American Ski Jumping Hall of Fame and Museum
American Ski Jumping