Do you have, or know of, a significant collection of information, photos, artifacts, and/or memorabilia relating to the sport of ski jumping in North America? We're attempting to locate and describe collections that may be of historical interest to those who love this sport. Much of the preserved history of ski jumping is in private hands, often collected and maintained by private individuals who were once active jumpers, by the children and grandchildren of former jumpers, or folks who were fans of the sport and its athletes. Many of these collections are in the hands of people who are getting on in years, and could be lost forever within a few years. Some collections may be owned by various ski clubs. Although it would be wonderful to have a physical facility large enough and properly climate controlled to accept donated collections or items, and a staff to do proper preservation and cataloging, we don't have such a facility or staff at this time, and can't promise we’ll have a facility to enable us to accept donated all memorabilia in the future. HOWEVER ... we do want to identify collections that exist today, and provide a comprehensive listing of them on this website, along with contact information if the owner of the collection is willing to accept requests via e- mail, US mail, or by phone. If they’re housed in some location that functions as a museum, we’d like to know all about it, and perhaps get some good-quality digital images of significant items in the collection. Please e-mail us at the address below, and provide your name and phone number, with a brief description of your collection, or the one you know about. We’re updating our collections questionnaire, so it’snot currently available online. We will get in touch with you to learn a bit more about the collection, including contact information for the collector. If your e-mail program doesn’t open automatically when you click this link, please copy it and paste it into the address line of the new message window that pops up.
Copyright 2006 - 2025      Friends of American Ski Jumping      Webmaster: Ken Anderson
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Ski Jumping Collections Questionnaire
Ski Jumping Collections Questionnaire
Do you have, or know of, a significant collection of information, photos, artifacts, and/or memorabilia relating to the sport of ski jumping in North America? We're attempting to locate and describe collections that may be of historical interest to those who love this sport. Much of the preserved history of ski jumping is in private hands, often collected and maintained by private individuals who were once active jumpers, by the children and grandchildren of former jumpers, or folks who were fans of the sport and its athletes. Many of these collections are in the hands of people who are getting on in years, and could be lost forever within a few years. Some collections may be owned by various ski clubs. Although it would be wonderful to have a physical facility large enough and properly climate controlled to accept donated collections or items, and a staff to do proper preservation and cataloging, we don't have such a facility or staff at this time, and can't promise we’ll have a facility to enable us to accept donated all memorabilia in the future. HOWEVER ... we do want to identify collections that exist today, and provide a comprehensive listing of them on this website, along with contact information if the owner of the collection is willing to accept requests via e- mail, US mail, or by phone. If they’re housed in some location that functions as a museum, we’d like to know all about it, and perhaps get some good-quality digital images of significant items in the collection. Please e-mail us at the address below, and provide your name and phone number, with a brief description of your collection, or the one you know about. We’re updating our collections questionnaire, so it’snot currently available online. We will get in touch with you to learn a bit more about the collection, including contact information for the collector. If your e-mail program doesn’t open automatically when you click this link, please copy it and paste it into the address line of the new message window that pops up.
Copyright 2006 - 2025    Webmaster: Ken Anderson
The American Ski Jumping Hall of Fame and Museum
American Ski Jumping